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How to Write an Exemplification Essay

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Never Heard About an Exemplification Essay?

If you are a hard-working student – you have definitely heard about such thing as the exemplification essay. If it is so, you should be familiar with general information, structure, and style of different essay types. Yes, there are a fat lot of types of them, for example argumentative, descriptive or narrative. Hence, the question arrives: «How can I write my essay properly? ». Well, there are some steps to complete this task and the first one is to define what exemplification essay actually is, and what factors distinguish it from other types of essays.

 An exemplification essay is a type of argumentative essay that provides specific examples to prove a point of view. «How should I write my essay? » – This is the first question that you ask yourself after getting such task from your teacher. To be less formal – an exemplification essay is a more detailed and better-explained version of an argumentative essay. Therefore, your task will be to give more precise examples – to prove your point of view. The ideas of this type of essay should be based on practical examples like facts, data or statistics.

The structure of an exemplification essay

Like any other writing, exemplification essay has its peculiarities and structure. Try to follow them and your essay will be on the top of the mountain for sure!

  • Of course, the first thing to do is choosing a topic. Be aware that you have to prove or disprove a particular issue by means of information and details. Also, make sure that your theme is a statement, which needs to be confirmed or clarified.
  • As you might imagine, it is hard to read something that is not interesting or eye-catching. That is the reason why you should create a nice, short but catching topic for your essay. Try some strategies when writing it. For example, why not to begin your essay with an anecdote? It will definitely make your writing sound more personal and increase the reader’s interest.
  • Next step will be writing an introduction. The main idea that is used throughout the essay should be included.
  • Next thing to do is to write a title for the first paragraph. You can also add some sub-paragraphs if needed. As a rule, these writings have three body paragraphs so, make sure to include them.
  • A logical and clear conclusion will leave a taste of professionalism after reading your essay. Highlight the main idea of your essay.

Helpful tips in exemplification essay writing

An exemplification essay can catch some of the students off-guard – just because it is not given as homework that often. Even when you know the structure, make sure to check out these great tips:

  • Include examples in the text. The professor will be lenient about using citations. Just try not to overuse them. Find the balance between citations and your own thoughts and sayings.
  • A strong thesis is your key to success. Suggest to the reader what exactly you want to prove, without divulging all the methods that you intend to use.
  • The chosen topic itself might cause some problems and lead you to the dead end. To avoid it, make sure that the topic is something you can bring a lot of examples for. In addition to this, avoid barring examples! Attract the reader’s attention with popping content.
  • Express your belief. Just like the actor needs to live the life of the character that he or she plays, the writer needs to express the belief. When you are writing an essay – be it an argumentative or an exemplification one – always go with something that you strongly believe in and have your opinion on. Remember – the sky is your limit!